+371 67114284

Real estate for rent in Riga and Jurmala

to 103
ID price area street
ID: 431418

Apartment for rent in Riga, Sampeteris-Pleskodale
Lielirbes street, 22th floor, 3 rooms, 90.00m2

850.00 EUR 9.44 EUR / m2


ID: 432034

Commercial premises for lease in Riga, Riga center
Dzirnavu street, 2th floor, 1 rooms, 29.21m2

265.00 EUR 9.07 EUR / m2


ID: 427092

Apartment for rent in Riga, Riga center
Krisjana Valdemara street, 3th floor, 1 rooms, 34.45m2

280.00 EUR 8.13 EUR / m2


ID: 427195

Commercial premises for lease in Riga, Riga center
Krisjana Valdemara street, 5th floor, 10 rooms, 334.70m2

2677.00 EUR 8 EUR / m2


ID: 435510

Commercial premises for lease in Riga, Riga center
Dzirnavu street, 2th floor, 1 rooms, 41.92m2

293.44 EUR 7 EUR / m2


ID: 429602

Commercial premises for lease in Riga, Riga center
Elizabetes street, 1th floor, 8 rooms, 213.00m2

1704.00 EUR 8 EUR / m2


ID: 426216

Apartment for rent in Riga, Riga center
Lacplesa street, 2th floor, 2 rooms, 50.00m2

550.00 EUR 11 EUR / m2


ID: 428963

Commercial premises for lease in Riga, Daugavgriva
Balta street, 1th floor, 2 rooms, 51.20m2

332.00 EUR 6.48 EUR / m2


ID: 428978

Commercial premises for lease in Riga, Ilguciems
Bullu street, 1th floor, 2 rooms, 1334.00m2

1673.00 EUR 1.25 EUR / m2


ID: 426872

Commercial premises for lease in Riga, Riga center
Dzirnavu street, 4th floor, 1 rooms, 42.31m2

275.00 EUR 6.5 EUR / m2


to 103
ID price area street
City Real Estate recommends
Apartment for sale in Riga, Riga center

Apartment for sale in Riga, Riga center
Rupniecibas street, 5th floor, 3 rooms, 97.90m2
380000.00 EUR 3881.51 EUR / m2

Apartment for sale in Riga, Riga center

Apartment for sale in Riga, Riga center
Rupniecibas street, 5th floor, 3 rooms, 95.70m2
390000.00 EUR 4075.24 EUR / m2

Apartment for rent in Riga, Riga center

Apartment for rent in Riga, Riga center
Elizabetes street, 2th floor, 3 rooms, 94.90m2
2278.00 EUR 24 EUR / m2

Apartment for sale in Riga, Riga center

Apartment for sale in Riga, Riga center
Stabu street, 3th floor, 2 rooms, 79.50m2
270000.00 EUR 3396.23 EUR / m2

Apartment for rent in Riga, Riga center

Apartment for rent in Riga, Riga center
Stabu street, 3th floor, 2 rooms, 79.50m2
1350.00 EUR 16.98 EUR / m2

Apartment for rent in Riga, Vecriga (Old Riga)

Apartment for rent in Riga, Vecriga (Old Riga)
Riharda Vagnera street, 2th floor, 4 rooms, 76.00m2
990.00 EUR 13.03 EUR / m2

Apartment for rent in Riga, Vecriga (Old Riga)

Apartment for rent in Riga, Vecriga (Old Riga)
Riharda Vagnera street, 3th floor, 2 rooms, 68.00m2
1400.00 EUR 20.59 EUR / m2

Apartment for rent in Riga, Riga center

Apartment for rent in Riga, Riga center
Jeruzalemes street, 5th floor, 2 rooms, 66.20m2
1100.00 EUR 16.62 EUR / m2

Apartment for sale in Jurmala, Jaundubulti

Apartment for sale in Jurmala, Jaundubulti
Strelnieku prospekts, 2th floor, 3 rooms, 60.60m2
219000.00 EUR 3613.86 EUR / m2

Apartment for rent in Riga, Vecriga (Old Riga)

Apartment for rent in Riga, Vecriga (Old Riga)
Kalku street, 2th floor, 2 rooms, 60.00m2
680.00 EUR 11.33 EUR / m2

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